Hope Haitian Ministries

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Photos and information on this webpage was shared from

the Hope Haitian Ministries website with permission of Barb House.

Hope Haitian Choir is made up of children and young adults ages 7 to 15. 

Most are from the Port au Prince area in Haiti.

You can find them on You Tube!  Just do a search for Hope Haitian Choir.

If you are interested and would like to have the choir come in 2019, please email Meredith Fowlie at jmaafowlie@myfairpoint.net.

What we typically request of those who host the choir:

**meals for one day - including an evening meal together before the concert, breakfast in the host homes,

   and a bagged lunch

**safe host homes for 5-6 groups

**there is no charge but we request a love offering to help with our operations and projects in Haiti

**a place to sell tee shirts and CD's before and after the concert

For more information:

Hope Haitian Choir: Chuck and Barb House

PO Box 64

Boothbay, ME  04537


Hope Haitian Choir is a division of Hope Haitian Ministries, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  The most important way to help us is through prayer.  Our hope is that lives would be changed through this ministry and our Lord would be honored and glorified.

If you would like to financially support the choir or the other ministries which are part of this organization, checks can be made payable to "Hope Haitian Ministries" with a specific designation for the project you would like to support.  

Hope Haitian began as a vision of Chuck and Barb House as a means to share the hope of Jesus Christ they had been privileged to witness in Haiti. Since 2007, they had been traveling there, originally to connect with their adopted son’s family. Beginning in 2012, Hope Haitian Choir was born.  Each year, the choir, made up of about 15 children, has come to the states, singing and dancing and sharing their stories of faith as they tour the eastern part of our country..  

In the summer of 2014, Hope Haitian Ministries was formed and was approved as a 501(c)3 corporation.  The ministry has evolved into so much more than bringing several children to the states each year to be a part of Hope Haitian Choir.  It also has supported the education of several young people. Now, the most recent development has been the building of a school/church in Lamarre, Haiti, where their adopted son was born, and where his family still lives. In the fall of 2018, the ministry partnered with Compassion International. The church, Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre, continues, and School of Hope, grades pre-K through grade 4 (as of Jan. 2019), has grown to 274 children who are receiving a solid Christian education. There are exciting plans ahead, as God wills, for the purchase of land and the building of a high school.