Bowdoin for Haiti Action Week

Feb. 21-27, 2010


Saturday, February 20 - Men's Hockey Game
Watson Arena  - Bowdoin vs. New England College  4:00 p.m.

Saturday, Feb. 20 - Hearts for Haiti
Jack Magee's Pub,  Smith Union   8 p.m.
Live music by student performers - sponsored by the Bowdoin Music Collective

Sunday, February 21 - Community Skate
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.   Watson Arena
Listen to Haitian music while you skate.      $5/person at the door

Monday, February 22 - A Cappella Concert
Miscellania, Ursus Verses, and the Meddies
Kresge Auditorium, VAC   7 p.m.
Tickets $3 - Available at the Smith Union Info Desk

Tuesday, February 23 - Read and Reflect All Day
Suggested resources as found on the Bowdoin website:

Poem - "Present Past Future" by Marc Christophe
Article -
"Haiti in Ink and Tears: A Literary Sampler" by Madison Smartt Bell
Blog -
"Behind the Scenes: Child's Eye View of Haiti" by Candice Chan
Video - "We are the World 25 for Haiti"

Wednesday, February 24 - Jam for Haiti
7:00 p.m.
Gelato Fiasco
Gelato Fiasco will donate 15% of proceeds earned during performances to Haiti Relief Efforts.  Sponsored by the Bowdoin Music Exchange and Gelato Fiasco.

Wednesday, February 24 - "Developing Haiti"
Lecture by Karen Blanchard (SIT)
8:00 p.m.
Searles 315
Karen Blanchard, from the School for International Training, will speak about how development can shed light on the devastation in Haiti.  Sponsored by Puentes.

Thursday, February 25 -Bake Sale
Sponsored by Amnesty International
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Smith Union
Proceeds will benefit
Save the Children.

Thursday, February 25 - "Haiti: Past, Present, and Future"
Brown Bag Lunch
12:00 p.m.
Lancaster Lounge, Moulton Union
Join Professor Allen Wells, former Peace Corps volunteer Amanda Similien, and Karen Blanchard from the School for International Training for an interactive discussion on Haiti's history, current needs, and future.  Please pick up lunch from the dining hall or express lunch in Moulton Union and come up to Lancaster Lounge for the discussion.

Thursday, February 25 - Masque and Gown Production of John Cocteau's Orphée
Pickard Theater 8 p.m.
Directed by Bryant Johnson '11, the proceeds from this production will be donated to the Haiti relief efforts.

Friday, February 26 - Pitch In for Haiti
Schwartz Outdoor Leadership Center   noon - 5:30 p.m.
One of the primary needs in Haiti right now is shelter.  The Bowdoin Outing Club will be pitching all of their tents to be inspected, and will select well-loved tents from the inventory to donate to Haiti.  Volunteers are needed to help with setting up tents and inspections!  Contact Virginia Leone at
[email protected] for more information.

Friday, February 26 - Taste for Change Dinner - Ladd House
6:00 p.m.
$10 Suggested Donation
Experience Haitian cuisine, prepared for you by Bowdoin students!  Email Drew Trafton at [email protected] to reserve your spot.

Friday, February  26  - Masque and Gown Production of John Cocteau's Orphée
Pickard Theater  8 p.m.
Directed by Bryant Johnson '11, the proceeds from this production will be donated to the Haiti relief efforts. 

Friday, February 26 - Haiti Benefit Concert
Jack Magee's Pub, Smith Union, 9 p.m.
Enjoy music by Hassan Muhammad '10, S-Caliber '08, and Haitian artist Mistik.  Sponsored by the Bowdoin Haitian Alliance.

Saturday, February 27  -Charity Bench Press
12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Buck Fitness Center
[email protected] to sign up.

Saturday, February 27 - Taiko Performance and Film Screening of Poto Mitan
Frontier Cafe, Fort Andross   2 p.m.
Experience Japanese drumming by the skilled student group, Taiko.  Their performance will be followed by a screening of the documentary Poto Mitan, a film about the women of Haiti.  Sponsored by the Class of 2011.

Saturday, February 27 - Masque and Gown Production of John Cocteau's Orphée
Pickard Theater   8 p.m.
Directed by Bryant Johnson '11, the proceeds from this production will be donated to the Haiti relief efforts. 

Saturday, February 27 - Ebony Ball
Main Lounge and Lancaster Lounge, Moulton Union   10 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Sponsored by the African American Society, donations will be taken at this year's ball to benefit Haiti relief efforts.


Cans for Haiti
February 8 - March 5    Cans for Haiti - College Houses and Affiliates
As a part of the Recyclemania contest, each college house and affiliate pair will compete to collect and donate the most returnables through a Hannaford Clynk account.  Proceeds will benefit Haiti relief efforts.  Sponsored by Bowdoin Student Government and Sustainable Bowdoin.

All proceeds for the various activities for Bowdoin  For Haiti Action Week will go to Partners in Health, unless otherwise noted.

Professor Allen Wells

Amanda Similien, former Peace Corps

volunteer to Haiti

A discussion - “Haiti,Past, Present, and Future” took place in Lancaster Lounge on February 25, 2010.

Alain Mathieu, President of the Bowdoin Haitian Alliance

                    Bowdoin Haitian Alliance

            Information about Bowdoin Haitian Alliance can be found on:


    For additional information contact Alain Mathieu:   [email protected]

Amnesty International held a bake sale for Haiti.

David and Alain

                            Chris Fung

Co-President, Bowdoin College Student Global AIDS Campaign