Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency
Le Club Calumet is having a Fundraiser to raise money for supplies that our healthcare providers need to bring with them to Haiti in May.
Please, Come and Join us in raising money to help purchase these much needed supplies for the people of Haiti.
These healthcare providers will be a huge support and relief to those already there.
Family Dinner and Dance
6:00 PM to 10:30 PM
Spaghetti Dinner w/marinara sauce or meat sauce, salad and dessert!
We will have raffles and 50/50 drawings.
$15.00 per person - $25.00 per Couple
$35.00 for a family of 3 - $40.00 for a Family of 4
And $45.00 for a Family of 5 - $5.00 for any additional people
Laurie Pelletier- [email protected], Cell: (207) 441-1393
Tammy Manduca- [email protected], Home: (207) 623-8610