Maine Service-Related Organizations


Wells Rotary Club Donates Two Shelter Boxes Worth $2,000

The Wells Rotary Club has donated $2,000 towards disaster relief in Haiti.  The money was used to purchase two “Shelter Boxes.”  Each includes a ten-person tent, sl;eeping mats, and thermalk b lankets.  Other items are a water-purification kit, a five-gallon container, two 2.i gallon plastic water carriers, a collapsible trenching shovel, rope, mosquito netting, tool kit, multi-fueled cooking stove, eating utensil’s and a children’s activity kit.

Brunswick Coastal Rotary Club Raises $5,000 for Project Hope


The $5,000 raised by the Brunswick Coastal Rotary Club will go to Project Hope, a project in Haiti run by former Lewiston priest, Father Marc Boisvert.

Kennebunk Portside Rotary Donates $1200 To Konbit Sante

Members of the Kennebunk Portside Rotary in Kennebunkport donated $1200 to Konbit Sante.  A hat was passed around at a recent Rotary meeting and members donated $600.  The Kennebunk Portside Rotary organization matched the $600 and a total donation of $1200 was sent to Konbit Sante.

Dave Thompson, Executive Director of the Southern Maine Chapter of the American Red Cross, was presented a check in the amount of $1,075.00, raised by Portland Elks Lodge #188 Bingo Players for Haiti Relief. Pictured with Mr. Thompson is Joanne Gagnon, Elks Bingo Chairman; Diana Jenkins, volunteer in charge of the 50/50 sales for this effort; and Lorraine Cavallaro, whose suggestion led to this fundraising effort to benefit the victims of the Haiti Earthquake. Mr. Thompson personally addressed the Bingo Players, expressing his appreciation and advising them that this money will help buy filtered water, food, shelter, and assist with providing vaccines to help combat diseases that “threaten the victims.”  (photo and press release kindly submitted by Pat Roberts of Portland Elks Lodge #188)


Portland Elks Lodge # 188 Raise $1,075 for Haiti