Maine Friends of Haiti

  Statewide Map Challenge


Please let us know what any individual or group has

done for Haiti in your town or city and your town

or city will be placed on our Maine Friends of Haiti

map.  There are 487 towns and cities listed.  Wouldn’t

it be wonderful if each

one could be represented

on this map?

1.        Abbott

  1. 2.       Acton

  2. 3.       Addison

4.        Albion

5.        Alexander

  1. 6.       Alfred                    Brothers of Christian Instruction operate fifteen schools in Haiti.

                                          Lucille Hussey of Alfred helps with Maine Friends of Haiti website

  1. 7.       Allagash

  2. 8.       Alna

  3. 9.       Alton

  4. 10.      Amherst

  5. 11.      Amity

  6. 12.      Andover

  7. 13.      Anson  

  8. 14.      Appleton               Appleton Village School conducted “Pennies for Haiti” fundraiser for Save the Children.

  9. 15.      Arrowsic

  10. 16.      Arundel

  11. 17.      Ashland

  12. 18.      Athens

  13. 19.      Atkinson

  14. 20.      Auburn

  15. 21.      Augusta                 Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency conducts educational and humanitarian trips to Haiti

                                         Wider Circle Parent Organization holds Statewide Haiti Rally at Sam’s Club in Augusta

  1. 22.      Aurora

  2. 23.      Avon                      Kathi Caton, founder of S.C.H.O.O.L. helps Haitian children with educational and feeding programs

  3. 24.      Baileyville

  4. 25.      Baldwin

  5. 26.      Bancroft

  6. 27.      Bangor                   William Cohen Middle School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

                                          Penobscot Job Corps Academy collects hygiene items for Haiti

                                          Wider Circle Parent Organization holds Statewide Rally at Lowe’s in Bangor

                                          Maine Walks for Haiti takes place - Sat. June 5 - proceeds go to Haitian Minsitries

  1. 28.      Bar Harbor             College of Atlantic participates in International Dance Festival at University of Maine at Orono

                                          Graycote Inn and Mira Monte Inn donates part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

  1. 29.      Bath                        United Church of Christ in Bath holds fundraiser for “Madre”

                                           Grace Episcopal Church partners with Univers Chretien d’Haiti in Ouanaminthe, Haiti

  1. 30.      Beals

  2. 31.      Beaver Cove

  3. 32.      Beddington

  4. 33.      Belfast                    Dr. Carol Kuhn makes ninth trip to Cap Hatiien to volunteer

  5. 34.      Belgrade

  6. 35.      Belmont

  7. 36.      Benton

  8. 37.      Berwick

  9. 38.      Bethel                      West Parish Congregational Church sponsored a Haiti-a-thon and sent hygiene kits

  10. 39.      Biddeford                Biddeford Middle and Biddeford High School Raise $1,200

                                           Southern Maine Medical Center raises money and supplies.

                                           Clarice Kralovec organizes fundraiser for the Red Cross at Sanford High School

                                           St. Andre Health Care raises money for Haiti

40       Bingham

  1. 40.      Blaine

  2. 41.      Blue Hill

  3. 42.      Boothbay

  4. 43.      Boothbay Harbor

  5. 44.      Bowdoin

  6. 45.      Bowdoinham

  7. 46.      Bowerbank

  8. 47.      Bradford

  9. 48.      Bradley

  10. 49.      Bremen

  11. 50.      Brewer                         Brewer High School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

                                                Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church held Celtic Festival for Haiti

  1. 51.      Bridgewater

  2. 52.      Bridgton                      Howell Labs in Bridgton sends specialized equipment to Haiti

                                                Pleasant Mountain Inn donates part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

                                                St. Peter’s Episcopal Church participates in Maine Walks for Haiti

  1. 53.      Brighton Plantation

  2. 54.      Bristol

  3. 55.      Brooklin

  4. 56.      Brooks

  5. 57.      Brooksville

  6. 58.      Brownfield

  7. 59.      Brownville

  8. 60.      Brunswick -                  home of Bowdoin Haitian Alliance - Bowdoin College organizes many educational and fundraising activities

                                                 Coastal Orthopedics and Sports Medicine sends two doctors and nurse practitioner to Haiti

                                                 Bowdoin graduate Deborah Jenson develops Creole language course for emergency workers

                                                 Brunswick Coastal Rotary raises $5,000 for Project Hope

  1. 61.      Buckfield

  2. 62.      Bucksport                      Bucksport Middle School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  3. 63.      Burlington

  4. 64.      Burnham

  5. 65.      Buxton                           Bonny Eagle Middle Middle School raises $1386.04 for Red Cross

                                                 Mia Dodge collects blankets for Linus Project and she and her husband, Dave, pay to ship them to Haiti

  1. 66.      Byron

  2. 67.      Calais                             Dr. Robert Chagrasulis, trauma surgeon, helps in Haiti

  3. 68.      Cambridge

  4. 69.      Camden                          Camden Rockport Middle School raises money for Wish for Haiti

                                                  Carrie Hedstrom, Camden quit artist, sells Hope for Haiti t-shirts

                                                   Friends and Daughters group sells hearts for Haiti for Intervol

                                                   Skiathon raises money for Wish for Haiti

  1. 70.      Canaan

  2. 71.      Canton

  3. 72.      Cape Elizabeth                  Inn by the Sea  donates part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

                                                     Cape Elizabeth High School has a club to help Hope Village in Les Cayes, Haiti

                                                     Coleman Gorham, Homes for Haiti project

                                                     Bill Davis

  1. 73.      Caratunk

  2. 74.      Caribou

  3. 75.      Carmel                              Kindergartners at Carmel Elementary School make hearts for Haiti (over $200 for Red Cross)

  4. 76.      Careabassett Valley

  5. 77.      Carroll Plantation

  6. 78.      Carthage

  7. 79.      Cary Plantation

  8. 80.      Casco

  9. 81.      Castine                             Dr. Lawrence Mutty and Dr. Danielle Mutty visit Dr. Marc Boisvert’s orphanage in Haiti for two weeks every year and           

                                                    provide medical care to children of “Free the Kids” and surrounding villagers

                                                    Town of Castine via Cushman Circle led by Barbara Griffith and Our Lady of Holy Hope Church support Father Marc’s

                                                    work for years.  Last year, they sent about $20,000 to Father Marc’s”Free the Kids” program in Haiti.                                   

  1. 82.      Castle Hill

  2. 83.      Caswell

  3. 84.      Centerville

  4. 85.      Chapman

  5. 86.      Charleston

  6. 87.      Charlotte

  7. 88.      Chelsea

  8. 89.      Cherryfield

  9. 90.      Chester

  10. 91.      Chesterville                        Chris Blanche, Caleb Blanche, Henry Cooper,  supports Children of the Promise

  11. 92.      China

  12. 93.      Clifton

  13. 94.      Clinton

  14. 95.      Codyville Plantation

  15. 96.      Columbia

  16. 97.      Columbia Falls

  17. 98.      Cooper

  18. 99.      Coplin Plantation

  19. 100.    Corinna

  20. 101.    Corinth

  21. 102.    Cornish                                Marianne Ridley and her son, Joe Rego, bring many supplies to Sea Hunter in Portland

                                                        Billy Call of Call’s Shop N Save matched the money that Stacey Anderson made in her bake sale for Haiti

  1. 103.    Cornville

  2. 104.    Cranberry Isles

  3. 105.    Crawford

  4. 106.    Crystal

  5. 107.    Cumberland

  6. 108.    Cusing Center

  7. 109.    Cyr Plantation

  8. 110.    Dallas Plantation

  9. 111.    Damariscotta

  10. 112.    Danforth

  11. 113.    Dayton

  12. 114.    Deblois

  13. 115.    Dedham

  14. 116.    Deer Isle                            Pilgrim’s Inn donates part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

  15. 117.    Denmark

  16. 118.    Dennistown Plantation

  17. 119.    Dennysville

  18. 120.    Detroit

  19. 121.    Dexter

  20. 122.    Dixfield

  21. 123.    Dixmont

  22. 124.    Dover-Foxcroft

  23. 125.    Dresden

  24. 126.    Drew Plantation

  25. 127.    Durham

  26. 128.    Dyer Brook

  27. 129.    Eagle Lake

  28. 130.    East Machias

  29. 131.    East Millinocket

  30. 132.    Eastbrook

  31. 133.    Easton

  32. 134.    Eastport                            Eastport area fundraiser at Eastport Marine Technology Center raises $4,000 for Haiti

  33. 135.    Eddington

  34. 136.    Edgecomb

  35. 137.    Edinburg

  36. 138.    Eliot                                Eliot Elementary School raises $1,000 for Life and Hope Haiti

                                                  Marshwood Middle School raises $1,000 for Life and Hope Haiti

  1. 139.    Ellsworth                        Ellsworth Elementary-Middle School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

                                                   Twilite Motel donates part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

  1. 140.    Embden

  2. 141.    Enfield

  3. 142.    Etna

  4. 143.    Eustis

  5. 144.    Exeter

  6. 145.    Fairfield

  7. 146.    Falmouth                             Lunt Elementary School donated $1,482 to the Red Cross

                                                       Plummer-Motz Elementary School donated $1,757.46 to Hope for Haiti

                                                       Falmouth Middle School raise funds for Konbit Sante

                                                       Falmouth High School raises money for Partners in Health

                                                       Falmouth Congregational Church hosts benefit concert with Zemya, The Mine Squeeze, and Djump

                                                       Colleen Connolly accompanies PVAC to Haiti 6/8/10

  1. 147.  Farmingdale

  2. 148.  Farmington

  3. 149.   Fayette                                Fayette Baptist Church supports Children of the Promise and Maine Haitian Ministry

150.    Fort Fairfield

  1. 151.  Fort Kent                            Fort Kent Elementary School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

                                                      Andrew Cyr, a Fot Kent native, raises $6,600 for Haiti in New York through a Metropolis Ensemble concert

  1. 152.    Frankfort

  2. 153.    Franklin

  1. 154.    Freedom

  2. 155.    Freeport                                French School of Maine raises money for French School in Haiti

                                                        DeLorme Maps donate map equipment to rescue missions in Haiti

                                                        Andrew Sachs brings emergency management skills to Haiti

                                                        John Eide of Maine Sailing Partners spearheads collection of boat sails for Haiti

                                                        Seeds of Independence collects vitamins for Haiti

                                                         J.L. Coombs Store in Freeport and Portland collects shoes for Haiti

                                                         Dr. Hector Rosquete of Freeport works at an orphanage in Haiti

                                                        L.L. Bean donates $25,000 to the American Red Cross

                                                        Best Western Freeport Inn, Brewster House B&B, Captain Briggs House B&B, Harraseeket Inn,

                                                        Hilton Garden Inn Downtown, White Cedar Inn donate part of their proceeds to Habitat for            

                                                        Humanity in Haiti

  1. 156.    Frenchboro

  2. 157.    Frenchville

  3. 158.    Friendship

  4. 159.    Frye Island

  5. 160.    Fryeburg

  6. 161.    Gardiner                                Christ Episcopal Church raised $2,000 for village in Haiti

                                                         Mary Bailey of Gardiner went on trip to Haiti with medical team - American Baptist International Ministries

  1. 162.    Garfield Plantation

  2. 163.    Garland

  3. 164.    Georgetown

  4. 165.    Gilead

  5. 166.    Glenburn

  6. 167.    Glenwood Plantation

  7. 168.    Gorham  -                             Fame for Haiti play at Gorham High School

                                                        Greg Brooks of Gorham and Sub Sea Research organize relief mission to Haiti

                                                        LifeChurch in Gorham collects tents

  1. 169.    Gouldsboro

  2. 170.    Grand Isle

  3. 171.    Grand Lake Stream

  4. 172.    Gray

  5. 173.    Great Pond

  6. 174.    Greenbush

  7. 175.    Greene

  8. 176.    Greenville

  9. 177.    Greenwood

  10. 178.    Guilford

  11. 179.    Hallowell

  12. 180.    Hamlin

  13. 181.    Hammond

  14. 182.    Hampden                          Reeds Brook Middle School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

                                                     Hampden Academy partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  1. 183.    Hancock

  2. 184.    Hanover

  3. 185.    Harmony

  4. 186.    Harpswell                      Common Table and Harpswell Inn donate part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in  Haiti              


  1. 187.    Harrington                     Dr. Richard Komp conducts solar work in Haiti

  2. 188.    Harrison

  3. 189.    Hartford

  4. 190.    Hartland

  5. 191.    Haynesville

  6. 192.    Hebron

  7. 193.    Hermon                          Hermon Middle School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

                                                   Hermon High School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  1. 194.    Hersey

  2. 195.    Highland Plantation

  3. 196.    Hiram                           Karie Anderson and her Mom, Stacie Anderson, hold a bake sale and raise $600 for Red Cross

  4. 197.    Hodgdon

  5. 198.    Holden

  6. 199.    Hollis                             Poland Spring in Hollis donates 50 truckloads of water to Haiti                                 

  7. 200.    Hope

  8. 201.    Houlton                         Fitzpatrick Family adopting two Haitian children

  9. 202.    Howland

  10. 203.    Hudson

  11. 204.    Indian Island

  12. 205.    Indian Township

  13. 206.    Industry                            Cindy Moore has been raising money for the construction of a church in LaBruyere, Haiti

  14. 207.    Island Falls

  15. 208.    Isle Au Haut

  16. 209.    Islesboro

  17. 210.    Jackman                             Forest Hills Consolidated School raises over $3,000 for Maine Haitian Ministries

                                                      Maine Walks for Haiti will take place Sat. June 5 - proceeds go to Hatian Ministries

  1. 211.    Jackson

  2. 212.    Jay

  3. 213.    Jefferson

  4. 214.    Jonesboro

  5. 215.    Jonesport

  6. 216.    Kenduskeag

  7. 217.    Kennebunk                          First Parish UU Church in Kennebunk holds dinner for Haiti

                                                        World Cuisine United event takes place - Chase Hill Events- Grissini Italian Bistro

                                                        Animal Welfare Society of Kennebunk helps Humane Society International in Haiti

  1. 218.    Kennebunkport                     Heartwood College of Art Holds 100 Birds for Haiti Fundraiser

                                                         Kennebunkport Consolidated School Raises $646.19 for Red Cross

                                                          Kennebunk Portside Rotary donates $1200 to Konbit Sante

                                                          Captain Jefferds Inn, Colony Hotel, Maine Stay Inn & Cottages, Nonantum Resort

                                                          donate part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

  1. 219.    Kingfield

  2. 220.    Kingsbury Plantation

  3. 221.    Kittery                                    Third Graders at Mitchell School are sponsoring a child for  Life and Hope Haiti

  4. 222.    Knox

  5. 223.    Lagrange

  6. 224.    Lake View Plantation

  7. 225.    Lakeville

  8. 226.    Lamoine

  9. 227.    Lebanon

  10. 228.    Lee

  11. 229.    Leeds

  12. 230.    Levant

  13. 231.    Lewiston                                 Bates College’s Department of Athletics raises money for Haiti

                                                           Lewiston native Fr. Marc Boisvert operates Pwoje Espwa orphanage

                                                           Dr. Cynthia DeSoi of Lewiston has made forty trips to help in Haiti

                                                           Franco American Heritage Center hosts Haitian Benefit Concert - April 24, 2010

  1. 232.    Liberty

  2. 233.    Limerick                                 Line Elementary School raises money for Red Cross and Haitian Ministries

  3. 234.   Limestone

  4. 235.   Limington

  5. 236.    Lincoln

  6. 237.    Lincoln Plantation

  7. 238.    Lincolnville                            Lincolnville Central School raises money for Wish for Haiti

                                                           Shannon Thompson of Lincolnville hosts Tropical Dance Party at Rockport Opera House

                                                           Inn at Ocean’s Edge  donates part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

  1. 239.    Linneus

  2. 240.    Lisbon                                  Sixth grade students in Ms. Curtis’s class at Philip Sugg School in Lisbon Falls sell friendship bracelets                                               

  3. 241.    Litchfield

  4. 242.    Littleton

  5. 243.    Livermore

  6. 244.    Livermore Falls                    -Jayce LaBrecque participates in Maine Walks for Haiti for Children of the Promise

  7. 245.    Long Island

  8. 246.    Lovell

  9. 247.    Lowwell

  10. 248.    Lubec                                       Lubec Consolidated School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  11. 249.    Ludlow

  12. 250.    Lyman

  13. 251.    Machias

  14. 252.    Machiasport

  15. 253.    Macwahoc Plantation

  16. 254.    Madawaska

  17. 255.    Madison

  18. 256.    Magalloway Plantation

  19. 257.    Manchester                            Dr. Laura Coleman of Manchester visits rural clinics operated by Haitian Ministries

  20. 258.    Mapleton

  21. 259.    Mariaville

  22. 260.    Mars Hill

  23. 261.    Marshfield

  24. 262.    Masardis

  25. 263.    Matinicus Isle Plantation

  26. 264.    Mattawamkeag

  27. 265.    Maxfield

  28. 266.    Mechanic Falls

  29. 267.    Meddybemps

  30. 268.    Medford

  31. 269.    Medway

  32. 270.    Mercer

  33. 271.    Merrill

  34. 272.    Mexico

  35. 273.    Milbridge

  36. 274.    Milford

  37. 275.    Millinocket

  38. 276.    Milo

  39. 277.    Minot

  40. 278.    Monhegan Island

  41. 279.    Monmouth                            Monmouth Academy Civil Rights Team raises money for Haiti

  42. 280.    Monroe

  43. 281.    Monson

  44. 282.    Monticello

  45. 283.    Montville

  46. 284.    Moose River

  47. 285.    Moro Plantation

  48. 286.    Morrill

  49. 287.    Moscow

  50. 288.    Mount Chase

  51. 289.    Mount Desert

  52. 290.    Mount Vernon

  53. 291.    Naples                                        Sally Van Snepson-Barnett went on medical relief trip with Acupuncturists Without Borders-treated 500 people

  54. 292.    Nashville Plantation

  55. 293.    New Canada

  56. 294.    New Gloucester

  57. 295.    New Limerick

  58. 296.    New Portland

  59. 297.    New Sharon

  60. 298.    New Sweden

  61. 299.    New Vineyard                            His Hands for Haiti hosts various programs to help Haiti

  62. 300.    Newburg

  63. 301.    Newcastle                                  Flying Cloud B&B, Newcastle Inn donate part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

                                                             St. Andrew’s Church in Newcastle supports a school in Gros Morne

  1. 302.    Newfield                                    Line Elementary School raises money for Red Cross and Haitian Ministries

                                                              home of Maine Friends of Haiti

  1. 303.    Newport

  2. 304.    Newry

  3. 305.    Nobleboro

  4. 306.    Norridgewock

  5. 307.    North Berwick                            Spirit and Song United for Haiti takes place at Noble High School

  6. 308.    North Haven

  7. 309.    North Yarmouth

  8. 310.    Northfield

  9. 311.    Northport

  10. 312.    Norway

  11. 313.    Oakfield

  12. 314.    Oakland

  13. 315.    Ogunquit                                    Beachmere Inn, Ogunquit Inn donate part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in Haiti

  14. 316.    Old Orchard Beach

  15. 317.    Old Town                                    Leonard Middle School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  16. 318.    Orient

  17. 319.    Orland

  18. 320.    Orono                                           University of Maine at Orono  raises money for Konbit Sante

  19. 321.    Orrington

  20. 322.    Osborn

  21. 323.    Otis

  22. 324.    Otisfield                                      Spurr’s Corner Church is building a school and church in Haiti

  23. 325.    Owls Head

  24. 326.    Oxbow Plantation

  25. 327.    Oxford                                        Oxford Hills Middle School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  26. 328.    Palermo

  27. 329.    Palmyra

  28. 330.    Paris

  29. 331.    Parkman

  30. 332.    Parsonsfield

  31. 333.    Passadumkeag

  32. 334.    Patten

  33. 335.    Pembroke

  34. 336.    Penobscot

  35. 337.    Perham

  36. 338.    Perry

  37. 339.    Peru

  38. 340.    Phillips

  39. 341.    Phippsburg

  40. 342.    Pittsfield

  41. 343.    Pittston

  42. 344.    Pleasant Point Indian Reservation

  43. 345.    Pleasant Ridge Plantation

  44. 346.    Plymouth

  45. 347.    Poland

  46. 348.    Portage Lake

  47. 349.    Porter

  48. 350.    Portland                                         Konbit Sante focuses on medical care in Cap Hatien

                                                                  Portland Press Herald provides extensive coverage of relief work in Haiti

                                                                  Cheverus Haiti Solidarity Club raises over $6,000 for Haiti

                                                                  Catherine McAuley raises over $2,000 for Red Cross

                                                                  Breakwater School sells handmade items for Haiti  (

                                                                  West School in Portland raises $2,231.20 for Konbit Sante

                                                                  Acupuncturists Without Borders volunteering in Haiti

                                                                  Greendrinks for Portland raises money for Konbit Sante

                                                                  Konbit Sante hosts Maine Walks for Haiti - Sat. June 5 - twenty-four organizations will participate

                                                                  Mercy Health System sends staff to Haiti

                                                                  Catholic Diocese of Portland raises $424,200 for Haiti

                                                                  First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church holds Haitian Benefit

                                                                  Moose Herd for Haiti for Konbit Sante

                                                                  Pepperclub/Good Egg Cafe hosts Hearts for Haiti

                                                                  Creative Work Systems sells Hearts for Haiti

                                                                  B&G Foods of Portland sends easy-open canned food to Haiti

                                                                  Martin’s Point Health Care donates medical equipment to Haiti

                                                                  Key Bank donates $5,000 in each of the 22 Key Community Bank districts

                                                                  Sacred Heart/St. Dominic Church Haiti Project: Supports earthquake refugees, sponsors Morne Rouge

                                                                   Christ the King School and Cap Haitien Sacred Heart Center students; Peace Quilts sales

                                                                   Flatbread Pizza SH/SD Haiti Project Benefit Aug. 10, 2010 (annual, summer)

                                                                  Edgecomb Pottery contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper  (the following are annual contributors of bowls or food)

                                                                  Maxwell Pottery contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

                                                                  Portland Pottery contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

                                                                  Mesa Verde contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

                                                                  Pepper Club contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

                                                                  Local 188 contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

                                                                  Standard Baking contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

                                                                  Becky's Diner contributions to SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

                                                                  Sacred Heart/St. Dominic Haiti Project Events:

                                                                                Empty Bowl Supper, SH/SD Church Parish Hall (late winter)

                                                                                SH/SD Haiti Project Yard Sale, Deering High School lawn, September 11, 2010, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

                                                                                Speakers on Haiti.

  1. 351.    Pownal

  2. 352.    Presque Island

  3. 353.    Princeton Prospect

  4. 354.    Randolph

  5. 355.    Rangeley

  6. 356.    Rangeley Plantation

  7. 357.    Raymond                                      

                                               Slavick Sebago Lake house guest donations to SH/SD Haiti Project   (FYI $1500 in 2010, like amount last year)

  1. 358.    Readfield                                         Becky Coleman supports Children of the Promise

  2. 359.    Reed Plantation

  3. 360.    Richmond

  4. 361.    Ripley

  5. 362.    Robbinston

  6. 363.    Rockland                                            Physicians from Pen Bay Healthcare help out in Haiti

  7. 364.    Rockport                                            Bay Chamber Concerts conducts fundraiser for Wish for Haiti at Rockport Opera House

  8. 365.    Rome

  9. 366.    Roque Bluffs

  10. 367.    Roxbury

  11. 368.    Rumford

  12. 369.    Sabattua

  13. 370.    Saco                                                     Maine State Volleyball Association holds tournament for Konbit Sante at Sportszone in Saco

  14. 371.    Saint Agatha

  15. 372.    Saint Albans

  16. 373.    Saint Francis

  17. 374.    Saint George

  18. 375.    Saint John Plantation

  19. 376.    Sandy River Plantation

  20. 377.    Sanford -                                               Sanford First Baptist Church assembles health kits

                                                                         Margaret Chase Smith School raises money for Dr. Gorin and Haitian Ministries

                                                                         Sanford native Adam Cote of Global Relief Technologies helps amputees in Haiti

                                                                         Heidi Barker helps to gather supplies for Sea Hunter

                                                                         Sanford High School - student, staff, faculty fundraiser for Haiti for Red Cross organized by Clarice Kralovec

  1. 378.    Sangerville

  2. 379.    Scarborough                                          Scarborough architect M. Curtis Sachs assists Haitian hospital

                                                                         Wentworth Intermediate School - children made “Homes for Haiti” pins for Red Cross

  1. 380.    Searsmont

  2. 381.    Searsport

  3. 382.    Sebago

  4. 383.    Sebec

  5. 384.    Seboeis Plantation

  6. 385.    Sedgwick

  7. 386.    Shapleigh                                            Shapleigh Memorial School raises money for Red Cross and Haitian Ministries

                                                                       Mark, Grace, Eliza, and Caroline Jacobs supports the work of Life and Hope Haiti

  1. 387.    Sherman

  2. 388.    Shirley

  3. 389.    Sidney

  4. 390.    Skowhegan

  5. 391.    Smithfield

  6. 392.    Smyrna

  7. 393.    Solon

  8. 394.    Somesville                                          Somesville United Church of Christ hosts dinner and raises $2,000 for Haiti

  9. 395.    Sorrento

  10. 396.    South Berwick                                    Great Works School in South Berwick raises over $1,000 for Life and Hope Haiti

                                                                       Central School in South Berwick raises over $1,000 for Life and Hope Haiti

                                                                       Berwick Academy raises money for Life and Hope Haiti

  1. 397.   South Bristol

(489) South Paris                                    Bill Whitney

  1. 398.    South Portland                                    Skillin Elementary School raised $3,449.20 to support UNICEF’s work in Haiti

                                                                       People’s United Methodist Church collects money and items for health kits

                                                                       Torrey and Eric at Apple Store in South Portland help with Maine Friends of Haiti website


  1. 399.    South Thomaston

  2. 400.    Southport

  3. 401.    Southwest Harbor

  4. 402.    Springvale                                           First Baptist Church of Springvale sends personal care kits and medical supplies

  5. 403.    Stacyville

  6. 404.    Standish

  7. 405.    Starks

  8. 406.    Stetson

  9. 407.    Steuben

  10. 408.    Stockholm

  11. 409.    Stockton Springs

  12. 410.    Stoneham

  13. 411.    Stonington

  14. 412.    Stow

  15. 413.    Strong

  16. 414.    Sullivan

  17. 415.    Sumner

  18. 416.    Surry

  19. 417.    Swans Island

  20. 418.    Swansville

  21. 419.    Sweden

  22. 420.    Talmadge

  23. 421.    Temple

  24. 422.    The Forks

  25. 423.    Thomaston                                            Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding sends solar units to Haiti

  26. 424.    Thorndike

  27. 425.    Topsfield

  28. 426.    Topsham

  29. 427.    Tremont

  30. 428.    Trenton

  31. 429.    Troy

  32. 430.    Turner

  33. 431.    Union

  34. 432.    Unity

  35. 433.    Upton

  36. 434.    Van Buren

  37. 435.    Vanceboro

  38. 436.    Vassalboro

  39. 437.    Veazie                                                  Veazie Community School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  40. 438.    Verona Island

  41. 439.    Vienna

  42. 440.    Vinalhaven                                           Vinalhaven School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  43. 441.    Wade

  44. 442.    Waite

  45. 443.    Waldo

  46. 444.    Waldoboro

  47. 445.    Wales

  48. 446.    Walagrass

  49. 447.    Waltham

  50. 448.    Warren

  51. 449.    Washburn

  52. 450.    Washington

  53. 451.    Waterboro                                       Massabesic Middle School raises over $2,000 for Red Cross

                                                                   Waterboro Elementary School raises money for Red Cross

  1. 452.    Waterford

  2. 453.    Waterville                                        Colby College raises money for Partners in Health

                                                                    Maine Walks for Haiti takes place - Sat. June 5, proceeds go to His Hands for Haiti

  1. 454.    Wayne

  2. 455.    Webster Plantation

  3. 456.    Weld

  4. 457.    Wellington

  5. 458.    Wells                                              Wells Elementary School raises $2,100 for Dr. Tom Gorin and Hatian Ministries

                                                                  Kevin Garthwaite of Wells volunteers to help Sea Hunter’s relief mission to Haiti

                                                                  Wells Aubuchon collects baby items for Haiti

                                                                   Wells Rotary donates two shelter boxes worth $2,000 to Haiti

                                                                   Village By The Sea Hotel  donate part of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity in  Haiti

  1. 459.    Wesley

  2. 460.    West Bath                                       Dr. Stephen Katz, orthopedic surgeon, works at an orphanage in Haiti

  3. 461.    West Forks

  4. 462.    West Gardiner

  5. 463.    West Paris

  6. 464.    Westbrook                                      Westbrook Middle School Student Council raises $1,200 for the Red Cross

                                                                   ICEP International Childhood Enrichment Program builds playgrounds in Haiti

                                                                   Frog and Turtle contributions o SH/SD Empty Bowl Supper

  1. 465.    Westfield

  2. 466.    Westmanland

  3. 467.    Weston

  4. 468.    Westport

  5. 469.    Whitefield                                      Whitefield Elementary School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  6. 470.    Whiting

  7. 471.    Whitneyville

  8. 472.    Willimantic

  9. 473.    Wilton                                           Joe Blakey, Jenna Blakey,  supports Children of the Promise

  10. 474.    Windham                                      St. Ann’s Episcopal Church in Windham has partnership relationswith St. Barnabas, Treille.

  11. 475.    Windsor

  12. 476.    Winn

  13. 477.    Winslow                                        Winslow Junior High School partners with Garen L. Cole Disaster Relief Fund

  14. 478.    Winter Harbor

  15. 479.    Winterport

  16. 480.    Winterville Plantation

  17. 481.    Winthrop                                       Jennifer Sims assists Haiti

  18. 482.    Wiscasset                                      Wiscasset Primary School conducts Helping Hands for Haiti Project

  19. 483.    Woodland

  20. 484.    Woodstock                                    Becky Chandler is working for the International Rescue Committee as part of Emergency Response Team in Haiti

  21. 485.    Woodville

  22. 486.    Woolwich

  23. 487.    Yarmouth                                      Harrison Middle School sells paper hearts for Haiti for Save the Children

  24. 488.    York                                              York Rotary Club Club donates $7,000 for generator for Life and Hope Haiti