100 Birds For Haiti
1st Maine Summit Health Care Abroad
5th Annual Holiday Sale
Aidmatrix Foundation
Alternative Gift Market 12-2-11
Annual Caribbean Party- 4 8 17
Annual Caribbean Party- 4 8 17
Annual Caribbean Party- 4 8 17
Appleton Village School
April 13 Life and Hope Dance
April 2 Konbit Sante Concert
Aubuchon Hardware - Baby Care Items
August 14, 2021 Earthquake
Bangor - Maine Walks for Haiti
Bay Chamber Concert
Benefit Concert - Feb. 4, 2012
Berwick Academy
Boat Sails Being Collecetd
Bonny Eagle Middle School
Bowdoin for Haiti Action Feb. 21-27
Bowdoin Haitian Alliance
Bowdoin Roller Skate - 3 4
Breakwater Selling Handmade Items
Brothers of Christian Instruction
Caribbean Dance Night 3 27
Carrie Hedstroms Hope for Haiti Shirts
Cathedral Church of St. Luke
Cholera Outbreak
Cholera Update - 1 17 2011
Christy Concert
Colby Dinner, Silent Auction 2 26 10
Community Geo-Quiz
Concerned Maine Media
Contact Info - Relief Organizations
Contact Us
Creative Work Systems
Dec. 10 - Haitian Metal Art
Donate Used Shoes To Haiti
Downton Abbey Sweepstakes
Dr. Samuel Broaddus - Konbit Sante
Earth and Soul Pottery Sale
Eastport Region Steps Forward
Edie Charlot sells t-shirts
Edwidge Danticat Talk
Even More Portland Walk
Falmouth High Schools Note Cards
Fame for Haiti - Gorham H.S. 3 26
Father Roland Dion
Film Festival - Berwick Academy
First Parish Unitarian Fundraiser 2 21 10
Forest Hills Consolidated School
French Club Collecting School Supplies
Frequent Flyer Miles Needed
Friends and Daughters
Fundraiser for Madre 4 18
Fundraiser for Yele Haiti - Bar Harbor
Galen L. Cole Disaster Relief
Global Health Education 2-7-2012
Global Relief Technologies-Adam Cote
Governors Proclamation
Grace Episcopal Church
Haiti Hula
Haiti Projects - Maine High Schools
Haiti Projects - Middle & Jr. High Schools
Haiti Projects - Specialized Schools
Haiti Projects at Maine Colleges
Haiti Projects at Maine Colleges
Haiti Projects at Maine Colleges
Haiti Projects in Maine Elementary Schools
Haiti Sponsorship Presentation
Haitian Metal Art-Tavecchia
Haitian Related Projects in Maine
Haitian Relief Concert - Lewiston
Hands To Art Fair
Hanley Center Honors
Hearts for Haiti Fundraiser - 2 13
Help Load Container April 9,10,11
Help Load Container April 9,10,11
His Hands For Haiti
Honors College - University of Maine
Hope for Haiti Week 2 11-2 18
Hope Haitian Ministries
Ian Engelman
Ice Cream Social
ICEP Playgrounds
IRC - Becky Chandler
Jackman - Maine Walks for Haiti
Join Us On Facebook
Konbit Sante
Konbit Sante - Feb. 25 Briefing
Konbit Sante Fundraiser - June 2020
Konbit Sante Fundraiser - September 2018
Konbit Sante Thanks Community
Letter From Dr. Cynthia DeSoi
Life and Hope Haiti
Life and Hope Haiti - Feb. 15 Update
Life and Hope Haiti -10 27 11
Loading Shipment-June 1, 2014
Love Letter To Haiti
Lyman Morse Solar Units
Maine Acupuncturists Help in Haiti
Maine Credit Union League
Maine Friends of Haiti Movie
Maine Inn Keepers Association
Maine Places of Worship Step Forward
Maine Related Commendations
Maine Service Organizations
Maine-Dartmouth Family Dinner Dance
MaineLine Haiti
Mainers Share Specialized Skills
Many Rivers Art Show
May 12 Letter- Life and Hope Haiti
Melange Concert
Military Street Baptist Church
Moose Herd For Haiti
More Portland Walk Photos
New Life Church Collects Tents
News From Chellie Pingree
Ninth Annual Haiti Walk
Ninth Annual Haiti Walk
Ninth Annual Haiti Walk
Ninth Annual Haiti Walk
Nov. 3, 2013 Fundraising Dinner
Oxford Hills Pocket Change for Haiti
Partners for World Health
Partners in Health CD
Photo of Maine Acupuncturists
Portland - Maine Walks for Haiti
Portland Greendrinks -Konbit Sante
Portland Press Herald Recognition
Poster from Haitian Ministries - Norwich
Quilting Supplies Needed
Raffle Challenge
Raise The Roof - St. Lucs
Recent News
Sacred Heart St. Dominic
Sacred Heart St. Dominic
Sacred Heart St. Dominic
Sacred Heart St. Dominic
Sanford First Baptist Church
Seacoast Orthopedics
Seeds of Independence - Vitamins
Solar Work of Dr. Richard Komp
St. Albans
St. Andres Health Care
St. Marys Health System
St. Marys Health System
Statewide Haiti Rally
Statewide Haiti Rally
Sub Sea Research Fills the Boat to Haiti
Time Warner Cable Offers Free Calls To Haiti
Tropical Dance Party
UMC Collecting Health Kit Items
Upcoming Haiti-Related Events
Upcoming Maine Area Events
Update - Life & Hope Haiti
Update - Life & Hope Haiti
Update - Life and Hope Haiti - Aug. 14 Earthquake
Update Haitian Ministries - Jan. 30
Update-Life&Hope Haiti
UU Church Kennebunk Dinner 2 13 Poster
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers Needed - Shipping
Warehouse Space Needed
Waterville - 2nd Annual Maine Walks for Haiti
Waterville- Maine Walks for Haiti
Wells Elementary
West Parish Congegational Church
West School - Portland
West School - Portland
Wiscasset Primary School
Wish List - Medical Supplies Konbit Sante
Work of Dr. Tom Gorin
World Cuisine United
Yard Sale - Sept. 29

Please join “Maine Friends of Haiti” on

and help us spread

the word about all  

the efforts of   

Mainers to help

Haiti.  Thanks!

Please email us and let us know what you, your school, business, or group is doing to help Haiti.  We are interested in receiving news from throughout the state of Maine.

[email protected]

Maine Friends of Haiti

WHO ARE WE?  We are a group of people from Maine and other locations who are concerned about the needs of the Haitian people and ways to positively help out.  We come from all different backgrounds, beliefs, locations, and organizations, and we share a  desire to work together to help Haiti now and for years to come.

WHAT CAN WE DO?  We can share information on our Maine Friends of Haiti website such as volunteer opportunities, wish lists, plans for future projects, possible funding resources, and possible collaborative activities and workshops.  We can hope that various individuals and groups will consider working together. 

WHAT WOULD WE LIKE TO DO?  We would especially like to encourage Mainers to participate in activities which plant a seed about the importance of helping those in need on both a local and international level.  We would like to learn more about the culture of Haiti (such as the history, music, foods, literature) and would love to coordinate a group of speakers who would enjoy sharing their knowledge of Haiti.  In the future we would love to offer Haitian-related literature, movies, music, and other materials for groups interested in borrowing them for educational or fundraising purposes.

To receive up-to-date information about the work of Maine Friends of Haiti, please become a member of the Maine Friends of Haiti group on Facebook or contact : Brian & Mary Doyle, 515 Garland Road, West Newfield, Maine 04095  email:  mqdoyle@gmail.com     phone:  207-793-2759

"Haiti is crying.  It is a very strong country, like many of us have pointed out.  It is a very resilient people, but it is crying.  It is calling out for all of us to help, so let’s answer the call.”

Alain Mathieu

President - Bowdoin Haitian Alliance

“Homage to Haiti”

Bowdoin College - Feb. 1, 2010

       Click HERE to watch our
first Maine Friends of Haiti movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZeX-OpFAEY http://livepage.apple.com/ shapeimage_3_link_0

Is your town


on this Maine

Friends of Haiti map?

Click HERE

to find out.

The Franco-American Heritage Center in Lewiston, Maine, has many French books of all kinds, French musical records, French dictionaries, etc. (around 30 boxes) that they would love to see go to a school in Haiti. Is anyone aware of how they might get assistance with shipping these items to Haiti? Anyone know of a container going to Haiti that might have room? Please contact Rita Dube at 207-783-1585 or email:

[email protected]

H-earings for Haiti H-earings.html H-earings.html shapeimage_4_link_0
PHOTOS FROM PORTLAND 2010 MAINE WALKS FOR HAITI Portland_-_Maine_Walks_for_Haiti.html Portland_-_Maine_Walks_for_Haiti.html Portland_-_Maine_Walks_for_Haiti.html shapeimage_5_link_0shapeimage_5_link_1
Forest Hills Consolidated School Forest_Hills_Consolidated_School.html

Click HERE for info on how South Portland High School French Club Is Collecting School Supplies for Haiti.

Proclamation Governors_Proclamation.html

Becky Chandler and her work with the International Rescue Committee

Ian Engelman will talk about his work in Haiti at Scarborough Library on Feb. 6, 2011 at 2 p.m.

17 yr. old young man with

construction experience

and his 18 yr. old sister have

passports, and would like

to go when school gets out

with other young adults or

group to do relief work

in Haiti.  Please contact

their mother:

Daphne Millay, LEED AP

Hardypond Construction

7 Tee Drive 

Portland ME  04103

797-6066     318-7517 (cell)

Quilting Supplies

Needed By Life and Hope Haiti. Click HERE for details.

9th Annual Maine Walks with Haiti 5K Run/Walk

June 10, 2018 Payson Park, Portland

Walkers start 8:30a.m. Runners 9:00a.m.